The Material World

A person soldering components onto a blue circuit board under a focused light.

The Material World

Though we live in a digital age, material science has shaped history—and it’s far from over. From quantum computers to fusion reactors, breakthroughs in materials will drive the next technological frontier.
Solid-state batteries are finally making their way out of the lab
Solid-state batteries could soon challenge lithium-ion as the dominant tech for powering smartphones, EVs, and more.
9 dumbphones to help curb your screen addiction
While smartphones keep getting more powerful, the growing dumbphone phenomenon is subverting expectations.
Boosted Breeding and beyond: 3 tech trends that could end world hunger
A world without hunger is possible, and the development and deployment of new farming technologies could be one key to manifesting it.
The Large Hadron Collider is back online
The world’s biggest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is back online after a three-year hiatus.
Chevrolet is electrifying the Corvette
GM has announced plans to bring the Corvette roaring into the electric vehicle market.
The next big disruption is coming: How cities can prepare for flying cars
Urban Aerial Mobility – or ‘flying cars’ – could present a more flexible way for cities to invest in future infrastructure.
How hypersonic missiles work and the unique threats they pose
Hypersonic systems have been in use for decades, but the latest ones are highly sophisticated new technology.
This solar-powered motorhome was designed by students 
Students from the Technical University of Eindhoven in the Netherlands have created a solar-powered motorhome, shaped like a huge teardrop.
Man builds his own bionic hand out of melted plastic bottles 
After creating a bionic hand for himself, Peruvian engineer Enzo Romero launched a company to sell the low-cost prosthetics to others.
New solar panels generate electricity long after the sun sets 
Engineers at Stanford University have created a solar cell that generates electricity at night by exploiting the process of radiative cooling.
Bedridden woman stands again thanks to spinal implant
A spinal cord stimulator is helping a woman who was bedridden for 18 months because she fainted every time she stood up regain her mobility.
Nuclear fusion hit a milestone thanks to better reactor walls
A team of scientists have shattered the record for the amount of energy produced during a controlled, sustained fusion reaction.
This new “levitating” Chinese train will be the fastest in the world
It would only take 2.5 hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai, a journey of more than 1,000 km or 620 miles.
Superjumbo jet engine flies on 100% sustainable aviation fuel
For the first time, an Airbus A380 superjumbo jet flew with 100% sustainable aviation fuel powering an engine.
Credit card-sized device focuses terahertz energy to generate high-resolution images
The advance may enable real-time imaging devices that are smaller, cheaper, and more robust than other systems.
Giant cyborg cockroach could be the best search-and-rescue bot
The cyborg cockroaches are outfitted with sensors that can identify heat, carbon dioxide, and body movements.
Medical drones to transport blood being rushed to Ukraine
Medical drones are being rushed to Ukraine to help residents get the medical supplies they need in the midst of the war with Russia.
Can my electric car power my house? Not yet for most drivers, but vehicle-to-home charging is coming
Want to help protect the environment, save money on gasoline, or try out the latest technology? Try powering your house with your car.
This bird-like drone can perch on branches, catch objects 
Inspired by birds’ perching abilities, researchers developed a drone with a bird-like structure that can land on a wide array of objects.
High schoolers create $1 filter to remove lead in water
Maryland high schoolers have created a filter that removes lead in water. It costs just $1 and alerts users when it needs to be replaced.
Paris plans to be completely cyclable by 2026
France is investing a total of 250 million euros ($290 million) to make the city of Paris entirely bikeable.
Starbucks is creating an EV “charger highway,” from Seattle to Denver 
Starbucks is aiming to capitalize on the demand for electric vehicle infrastructure by installing chargers at up to 15 locations in the U.S.
MIT’s “Mini Cheetah” teaches itself to run 8.7 mph, breaking speed record
The four-legged robots learn how to move through experience — both in the real world and in simulations.
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