The Material World

A person soldering components onto a blue circuit board under a focused light.

The Material World

Though we live in a digital age, material science has shaped history—and it’s far from over. From quantum computers to fusion reactors, breakthroughs in materials will drive the next technological frontier.
Solid-state batteries are finally making their way out of the lab
Solid-state batteries could soon challenge lithium-ion as the dominant tech for powering smartphones, EVs, and more.
9 dumbphones to help curb your screen addiction
While smartphones keep getting more powerful, the growing dumbphone phenomenon is subverting expectations.
Boosted Breeding and beyond: 3 tech trends that could end world hunger
A world without hunger is possible, and the development and deployment of new farming technologies could be one key to manifesting it.
Recycled tires can act as sunscreen for roads
Australian researchers blasted bitumen with a UV machine to discover how used tires can act as road “sunscreen.”
Humans have big plans for mining in space
What’s holding us back from mining in space when we have such big plans already? The sheer cost, for one thing.
Walmart drone delivery now covers 4 million households
The Walmart drone delivery program is expanding from one state to six, bringing the service to as many as 4 million households.
Ancient creatures inspire record-breaking new technology
Inspired by the ancient compound eyes of the trilobite, researchers have created a record-breaking camera with a depth of field of just over a mile.
World’s fastest passenger jet hits near-supersonic speeds
Aircraft manufacturer Bombardier has unveiled the Global 8000, the fastest private jet in the world with a max operating speed of 721 mph.
Elon Musk’s Hyperloop is possible. How badly do we want it?
The Hyperloop is physically possible, but engineering challenges will make its construction difficult. Also, accidents would be catastrophic.
Ultrathin fuel cell uses the body’s own sugar to generate electricity 
Batteries have a limit to how small they can be made, and they need to be charged. What if you could power your own medical device?
Watch: Medic in jet suit reaches mountain top in 3.5 minutes 
A paramedic in a jet suit flew up a mountain in just 3.5 minutes, demonstrating how the tech could shave valuable minutes off response times.
You can finally reserve a Tesla Semi 
Members of the public can now reserve a Tesla Semi, an all-electric, heavy-duty vehicle that Elon Musk first unveiled in 2017.
Bluetooth hack breaks into cars and smart locks 
Researchers in the UK have identified a vulnerability in Bluetooth-based locks, including Kwikset smart locks and Teslas.
Can your mind ever “own” an extra body part? 
A robotic finger can feel like a part of our hand after just a short time using it, suggesting that our brains can “own” extra body parts.
NASA is planning to bring back supersonic flight over land
Supersonic flight over land is currently banned in the US, but a plane being built by NASA and Lockheed Martin could rewrite the rules.
Augmented reality will give us superpowers
Virtual and augmented reality have had false starts, but AR eyewear will soon replace the smartphone as our interface for digital content.
New MRI machine will unlock better images for medicine
A new MRI machine with a larger opening and a weaker magnetic field overcomes many shortcomings of other scanners.
From robotic dogs to magnetic slime: 6 ways robots are helping humans 
Robots are helping humans in a growing number of places – from archaeological sites to disaster zones to sewers.
A 20-seat hypersonic plane is being built in Atlanta
Atlanta-based startup Hermeus is developing a hypersonic plane to ferry passengers around the globe at incredible speeds.
The world’s first airport for flying cars and drones has just landed 
The UK’s development of an urban airport for flying cars and drones could inspire other nations to follow suit.
Researchers develop a paper-thin loudspeaker 
The flexible, thin-film device has the potential to make any surface into a low-power, high-quality audio source.
Scientists blow up their lab after creating strongest magnet ever
Scientists knew that it would probably explode, but they did not expect to reach such a record magnetic field.
Drones and driverless cars could help with Ukraine’s humanitarian crisis 
We need a universal code of conduct for deploying autonomous vehicles and drones in humanitarian settings.
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