The Material World

A person soldering components onto a blue circuit board under a focused light.

The Material World

Though we live in a digital age, material science has shaped history—and it’s far from over. From quantum computers to fusion reactors, breakthroughs in materials will drive the next technological frontier.
Solid-state batteries are finally making their way out of the lab
Solid-state batteries could soon challenge lithium-ion as the dominant tech for powering smartphones, EVs, and more.
9 dumbphones to help curb your screen addiction
While smartphones keep getting more powerful, the growing dumbphone phenomenon is subverting expectations.
Boosted Breeding and beyond: 3 tech trends that could end world hunger
A world without hunger is possible, and the development and deployment of new farming technologies could be one key to manifesting it.
Autonomous Black Hawk helicopter flies without a crew 
The U.S. Army has given a Black Hawk helicopter the ability to complete an autonomous flight without any humans on board.
Fusion reactor breaks 24-year-old nuclear record 
A new record set by the world’s largest nuclear fusion reactor is giving researchers confidence we’re on the path to usable fusion energy.
Bionic pacemaker causes heart to beat irregularly — on purpose
A new bionic pacemaker improved blood flow in animal studies by using the lungs to reintroduce lost heart rate variability.
How slime molds can design efficient subway networks without human help
A new computer models shows how slime molds may design efficient subways without our help.
NASA: Lockheed Martin will build the Mars Ascent Vehicle 
NASA’s Mars Ascent Vehicle, a first-of-its-kind rocket capable of launching from the surface of Mars, will be built by Lockheed Martin.
Clean offshore charging buoys can save city air 
Shipping giant Maersk is building custom charging buoys that provide electricity to ships moored overnight. The first is set to launch this year at an offshore wind farm.
MIT’s new material is stronger than steel and as light as plastic
A new material out of MIT that’s stronger than steel and as light as plastic could one day coat smartphones, hold up bridges, and more.
Bionic eye implants enable a blind person to see again 
Doctors successfully implanted a microchip in a woman’s retina, restoring some vision to her blind eye.
New EV battery material promises to quintuple electric car range
Researchers have developed a battery membrane made of recycled Kevlar fibers that may potentially double the range of electric vehicles and last 1,000 cycles.
Flying “AirCar” cleared for takeoff in the EU
The AirCar — a car-airplane hybrid vehicle with a 600+ mile range — is now officially “airworthy” in the European Union.
Flexible device hugs pipes, turning waste heat into electricity
Penn State researchers have developed a thermoelectric generator that efficiently converts waste heat into electricity.
Former SpaceX engineers to turn freight trains into autonomous EVs
Three former SpaceX engineers have launched a startup to replace traditional freight trains with autonomous, battery-powered railcars.
Delivery robots get airbags to protect you in case of collision
Autonomous vehicle maker Nuro has added external airbags to its autonomous delivery robots to protect pedestrians.
See a futuristic flying car’s first untethered flight 
A prototype of a futuristic flying car developed by Bellwether Industries has completed its first untethered test flights.
Cities are using beets to deice streets this winter
Cities across the U.S. are exploring less damaging rock salt alternatives — and beet juice is one of the most promising.
Goodyear puts airless tires on Starship delivery robots 
Goodyear’s airless tires are now being used by a fleet of Starship’s autonomous delivery robots on a college campus in the U.S.
SpaceX’s Starship is ready for its first trip into space
SpaceX’s Mars-bound Starship — the largest spacecraft ever built — is expected to undergo its first orbital test flight in March 2022.
New smart mailbox is built for drone deliveries 
Indiana-based startup DRONEDEK has developed a smart mailbox that can automatically receive and protect goods from delivery drones.
IBM and Samsung unveil breakthrough microchip design
IBM and Samsung have unveiled a new microchip design that promises radically faster, more efficient semiconductor chips.
NASA tosses rockets to prepare for Mars sample return
NASA is developing a system for the Mars Sample Return mission that tosses a rocket into the air just prior to ignition on Mars.
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