The Material World

A person soldering components onto a blue circuit board under a focused light.

The Material World

Though we live in a digital age, material science has shaped history—and it’s far from over. From quantum computers to fusion reactors, breakthroughs in materials will drive the next technological frontier.
Solid-state batteries are finally making their way out of the lab
Solid-state batteries could soon challenge lithium-ion as the dominant tech for powering smartphones, EVs, and more.
9 dumbphones to help curb your screen addiction
While smartphones keep getting more powerful, the growing dumbphone phenomenon is subverting expectations.
Boosted Breeding and beyond: 3 tech trends that could end world hunger
A world without hunger is possible, and the development and deployment of new farming technologies could be one key to manifesting it.
Walking to school is more likely to keep kids active as they age
Children who walk or bike to school at a young age are more likely to continue the habit as they age, a new study shows.
Electric planes are coming: Short-hop regional flights could be running on batteries in a few years
Aerospace engineer Gökçin Çınar discusses sustainable aviation concepts, including hybrid-electric planes and hydrogen fuel alternatives.
Paradox-free time travel is “logically” possible, say physicists
An undergraduate and his supervisor ran the numbers and found paradox-free time travel to be mathematically consistent.
Inventions that are fighting the rise of facial recognition technology
Combating the rise of facial-recognition technology, designers have created clothing and accessories to help to conceal people’s identities.
Brain-zapping tech improves memory by more than 50%
A brain-zapping “memory prosthesis” funded by DARPA improved trial participants’ ability to retain new information by more than 50%.
“Up to 2.4 million new apartments” legalized by bipartisan California legislation
Millions of new apartments in commercial areas and near transit have been legalized by new California laws just signed by Governor Gavin Newsom.
Air Canada orders 30 electric-hybrid aircraft for takeoff in 2028
Flag carrier Air Canada has announced plans to have electric-hybrid planes on regional and commuter routes by 2028.
Brick batteries may be a key to decarbonizing heavy industry
By storing renewable energy as heat in brick “batteries,” Rondo Energy believes they can decarbonize heavy industry.
The surprising history of how electric vehicles have played the long game and won 
The electric vehicle’s environmental credentials might give them a final push to win the long game over traditional cars.
This startup wants to build a radically powerful new kind of wind turbine
Norwegian startup World Wide Wind wants to build offshore wind turbines based on a completely different design from traditional models.
New solar device can pull hydrogen straight from the air 
Researchers have created a solar-powered device that can pull water from the air to create hydrogen.
Electric school buses are taking students back to school
Can electric school busses bring cleaner air and lower maintenance costs to school districts across the country?
Optimized charging powers EV batteries to 90% in 10 minutes 
Tomorrow’s electric vehicles could charge far more quickly thanks to optimized charging methods and innovative battery designs.
On the road to autonomous cars, driver fatigue will be a problem
New research from Waymo points the way to overcoming driver fatigue in cars that are almost — but not quite — self-driving.
Researchers have found a way to pull more than 95% of uranium from seawater
Seawater contains millions of tons of uranium, but it’s too expensive to extract. A new material may change that.
This simple kit turns your regular bike into an e-bike in minutes
The Rubbee X is a simple e-bike conversion kit that could help get more people out of gas-powered cars and onto climate-friendly bicycles.
New algorithm aces university math course questions 
Researchers use machine learning to automatically solve, explain, and generate university-level math problems at a human level.
The challenges of wireless farming technologies – like transmitting data through mud
The Agricultural Internet of Things involves technologies such as wireless underground communications and antennas in soil.
Free Lyft robotaxis are hitting Las Vegas 
Motional and Lyft are now offering robotaxi rides in Las Vegas.
American Airlines plans to buy 20 supersonic planes
American Airlines has paid a non-refundable deposit for 20 supersonic planes from Denver-based startup Boom Supersonic.
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