The Digital Frontier

A data center with rows of servers and neatly organized cables in red and blue on both sides of a central aisle.

The Digital Frontier

Advancements in 20th century medicine reshaped society and made good health an expectation, not an exception. Now, 21st century breakthroughs may end disease, reverse aging, and restore sight and hearing — perhaps sooner than we think.
The masterplan to end EV “range anxiety” forever
A look at the history of EV charging and the tech trends that could encourage more people to make the switch to an electric car.
Why happiness is not the best indicator of well-being
Achieving values and pursuing growth is the real secret to a fulfilled life.
T-Minus: 10 space startups to watch
Today’s aerospace industry includes hundreds of startups, all vying to be the next SpaceX. Here are 10 that could actually do it.
Mental illnesses affect brain structure, but in surprisingly different ways
A new brain mapping study identified commonalities in the brains of people with mental illnesses, and it could lead to better treatments.
Time has some fundamental differences from every other dimension
While spacetime itself is four dimensional, it can be decomposed into three spatial dimensions and one time dimension.
Replacing the immune system can boost cancer survival
Mixing stem cell transplantation with immunotherapy significantly improves survival rates for a deadly childhood cancer.
Hard Reset Podcast: Theme Parks | Episode #5
From virtual reality to real life — VR is reimagining how we build theme parks.
Scientists see metal heal itself for the first time
The first example of metal healing itself, repairing tiny cracks caused by metal fatigue, could lead to an engineering revolution.
“I’ve been here before”: DMT study explores a strange memory phenomenon
DMT can induce a sense of profound familiarity, making users feel as if they have entered an alternate reality they have visited before.
Termite mounds inspire climate-friendly air conditioning
The intricate designs of termite mounds show how to maintain a comfortable climate, without using any power.
Brain stimulation helps people with Parkinson’s walk
A noninvasive form of brain stimulation developed by Japanese researchers improved the symptoms of Parkinsonian gait in a small trial.
Autonomous construction robots are coming to a site near you
Built Robotics has introduced an upgrade to construction equipment that converts regular excavators into near-autonomous digging robots.
Too much body fat isn’t the problem — malfunctioning body fat is
When fat cells are overloaded with excess nutrients, they become too big and don’t receive enough oxygen, causing them to die.
These robot excavators are making workers more money
With the rise of AI, more people are afraid of robots taking their jobs than ever before. But in this industry, AI is actually creating jobs — and helping workers make more money.
Discovery of “demon” particle could aid superconductor hunt
The elusive “demon” particle has been discovered in a superconductor-like metal nearly 70 years after it was first predicted to exist.
With “thanabots,” ChatGPT is making it possible to talk to the dead
ChatGPT is making it possible to digitally resurrect the dead in the form of thanabots: chatbots trained on data of the deceased.
Vaccine for common virus could prevent MS
An experimental vaccine designed to prevent an EBV infection might also prevent cancer and multiple sclerosis.
We’re in a “fog of war” as experts and amateurs rush to replicate superconductor LK-99
A group of Korean scientists are claiming the first superconductor that works in our everyday environment. Is it real?
NASA is sending a team of autonomous robots to the moon
NASA is sending three autonomous mobile robots to the moon where they’ll have to work as a team under challenging conditions.
This unique human brain structure may have given us speech
Speech is unique to humans, yet most brain structures involved in speech are also present in Old World monkeys and other primates — except this one.
Existing heart drug may boost treatment for skin cancer
The FDA-approved heart medication ranolazine boosted the efficacy of a BRAF inhibitor in mouse models of melanoma, the deadliest skin cancer.
NASA mission to a $10,000-quadrillion asteroid is two months from launch
NASA hopes to get a glimpse at Earth’s core by sending a spacecraft to 16 Psyche, an metal-rich asteroid 280 million miles away.
Scientists make pain relievers like Tylenol from pine trees rather than fossil fuels
Chemists have shown how to manufacture ibuprofen and acetaminophen using a waste product from the forestry and paper industries.
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