The Digital Frontier

A data center with rows of servers and neatly organized cables in red and blue on both sides of a central aisle.

The Digital Frontier

Advancements in 20th century medicine reshaped society and made good health an expectation, not an exception. Now, 21st century breakthroughs may end disease, reverse aging, and restore sight and hearing — perhaps sooner than we think.
The masterplan to end EV “range anxiety” forever
A look at the history of EV charging and the tech trends that could encourage more people to make the switch to an electric car.
Why happiness is not the best indicator of well-being
Achieving values and pursuing growth is the real secret to a fulfilled life.
T-Minus: 10 space startups to watch
Today’s aerospace industry includes hundreds of startups, all vying to be the next SpaceX. Here are 10 that could actually do it.
Scientists discover a new kind of brain cell
A newly discovered brain cell that appears to be a hybrid of the two other primary types could shake up the world of neuroscience.
Can’t afford a gym membership? Add these 3 things to your workout routine
With gym memberships and fitness classes are becoming increasingly unaffordable, you can make just as much progress at home.
Popular weight-loss drugs show promise as addiction treatments
New trials will test the ability of GLP-1 agonists, a popular class of weight-loss drugs, to help people beat addictions to drugs and alcohol.
Australian ant honey inhibits tough pathogens, new research shows
Honeypot ant honey may help develop our arsenal of effective antibacterial and antifungal treatments, which are increasingly vital.
At least 5 people have been cured of HIV. Is the AIDS pandemic ending?
A handful of people have already been functionally cured of HIV — and new, universal cures are just on the horizon.
MIT students develop energy “mini-grid” software for remote & mountainous areas
MIT Energy Initiative spinoff Waya Energy helps countries work toward universal, cheap access to electricity.
New treatment slashes obesity in mice eating fatty, sugary diet
A new obesity treatment developed at UMass triggered weight loss in mice even as they continued to eat a diet high in fat and sugar.
The physics of why the first clock in America failed
When the first Dutch-built pendulum clock was brought to the Americas, it failed to keep accurate time on the continents of the new world.
Transplants of lab-grown brain cells reduce Parkinson’s symptoms
Transplants of lab-grown dopamine neurons reduced the amount of time people experienced Parkinson’s symptoms in a small trial.
Series| Hard Reset
How can a water bottle cost negative 10 cents?
27 million likes on TikTok. A $0.00 product. How does the “FreeWater” company work?
Artificial kidney aces test in pigs
An artificial kidney prototype just aced a pig trial, bringing it closer to human trials — and a step closer to ending the need for dialysis.
Study discovers how one sleep stage reactivates memories
New research suggests that during NREM sleep, our brain is more likely to store positive memories.
This prefabricated construction company aims to make buying a home as simple as buying a car
Cover is a Los Angeles-based prefabricated home company that builds housing components in an off-site facility and then assembles them at the house site.
SpinLaunch will hurl payloads into orbit, cutting the cost of launch by 20x
Rockets are big because they require enormous amounts of fuel. SpinLaunch’s method does away with much of that by hurling payloads into space.
These factory-home builders are closing the housing gap
How we build homes is changing. So are construction jobs — and it could solve the labor shortage.
NASA is spending $850,000 to make a bag for space trash
TransAstra has secured a $850,000 NASA contract to build an inflatable bag for capturing space trash, which could then be recycled in orbit.
An ancient technique can improve your attention span
According to neuroscientist Amishi Jha, 12 minutes of mindfulness training a day strengthens your attentional systems.
Potential heart attack treatment discovered in human placentas
Placental cells known to home in on and repair damaged heart cells in mice have been discovered in humans, too.
To stave off Alzheimer’s, protect your brain’s mitochondria
Mitochondria are crucial for memory preservation and are emerging as key players in the fight against Alzheimer’s.
The US military just got its hands on a mini laser weapon
Laser weapons could shape the future of warfare — and the US military just got a “mini” version of the tech.
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