The Changing World Order

Abstract geometric design with intricate linear patterns and dark, metallic tones showcasing a futuristic, high-tech aesthetic.

The Changing World Order

Drones are the new bombs, code the new currency, chips the new oil, and AI the new everything. Technology has reshaped geopolitics forever and a new world order is being carved in silicon
2.6 billion people don’t use the internet. What’s stopping them?
One-third of the world still isn’t online. Here’s how the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is working to close the digital divide.
The next big tech trend will start out looking like a toy
In “Read, Write, Own: Building The Next Era of the Internet,” investor Chris Dixon explains why the biggest trends often go overlooked.
Constitutional warning shot for social media “deplatforming” laws
Can the government tell private websites what they have to publish?
North Korean citizens are jailbreaking smartphones to bypass censorship 
In the face of severe punishments, North Korean hackers are finding clever ways to access forbidden content.
WeChat users try to keep Shanghai lockdown protest video ahead of censors 
WeChat users have turned to all manner of tricks in a cat-and-mouse game with CCP censors to keep a video about the Shanghai lockdown online.
What will happen if Elon Musk does buy Twitter? (Updated) 
Billionaire Elon Musk is trying to buy Twitter, and if successful, he plans to make several major changes to the social media giant.
Behind the crypto hype is an ideology of social change
Unlike technology enthusiasts or crypto marketers, “true bitcoiners” didn’t talk about technology, but trust and corruption.
Metaverse real estate prices are booming. This is why. 
People are paying millions of dollars to buy plots of pixellated land in virtual worlds, even though they doesn’t fully exist yet.
The future of classified intelligence may be sharing it
Faced with an enemy adept at information warfare, the US and allies are turning to a new, unusual way to use classified intelligence.
Giant cyborg cockroach could be the best search-and-rescue bot
The cyborg cockroaches are outfitted with sensors that can identify heat, carbon dioxide, and body movements.
Medical drones to transport blood being rushed to Ukraine
Medical drones are being rushed to Ukraine to help residents get the medical supplies they need in the midst of the war with Russia.
This bird-like drone can perch on branches, catch objects 
Inspired by birds’ perching abilities, researchers developed a drone with a bird-like structure that can land on a wide array of objects.
Combining crops and solar panels is allowing Kenya to “harvest the sun twice” 
The panels are mounted high enough for crops to be grown underneath, sheltering them from the sun and allowing rainwater harvesting.
MIT’s “Mini Cheetah” teaches itself to run 8.7 mph, breaking speed record
The four-legged robots learn how to move through experience — both in the real world and in simulations.
Elon Musk’s Starlink internet helps destroy Russian tanks
An elite Ukrainian drone unit is using SpaceX’s Starlink internet service to coordinate attacks on high-priority Russian military targets.
Computer scientists explain how to stop smart devices from spying on you 
“Smart” appliances tempt you with useless conveniences, but myriad privacy violations lie just beneath their shiny exterior.
What is 3G and why is it being shut down? An electrical engineer explains
3G networks are built using completely different equipment and algorithms than its newer replacements.
Drones and AI recover a meteorite for the first time 
Australian researchers have trained an AI to locate fallen space rocks using footage from autonomous drone surveys.
4 things you need to know about the metaverse 
Technology that merges the virtual and physical worlds could start to become a reality for consumers in just a few years.
Elon Musk: Europe should revive nuclear energy
The Ukraine crisis has highlighted Europe’s dependence on Russia for fossil fuels. Is more nuclear energy the solution?
Ukrainian citizens are using personal drones to spy on Russian troops
Ukraine has called on local drone owners to help the military conduct reconnaissance missions in the wake of Russia’s invasion.
Pregnant dolphins identified by drones for the first time
Using drone photography, University of Aberdeen researchers have been able to identify pregnant dolphins for the first time.
Starlink lands in Ukraine
Starlink satellite internet service has been established in Ukraine.
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