The Changing World Order

Abstract geometric design with intricate linear patterns and dark, metallic tones showcasing a futuristic, high-tech aesthetic.

The Changing World Order

Drones are the new bombs, code the new currency, chips the new oil, and AI the new everything. Technology has reshaped geopolitics forever and a new world order is being carved in silicon
2.6 billion people don’t use the internet. What’s stopping them?
One-third of the world still isn’t online. Here’s how the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is working to close the digital divide.
The next big tech trend will start out looking like a toy
In “Read, Write, Own: Building The Next Era of the Internet,” investor Chris Dixon explains why the biggest trends often go overlooked.
Constitutional warning shot for social media “deplatforming” laws
Can the government tell private websites what they have to publish?
"q" probably won't make you rich, but it's an experiment worth watching
It’s not the next Bitcoin (or a path to riches), but it’s an intriguing idea.
The violinist playing for freedom in Venezuela
Venezuelan violinist Wuilly Arteaga has been beaten and arrested, but it hasn’t stopped him from using music to help bring freedom to his country
Send messages and use apps without the internet
Sending texts and using apps without the internet isn’t magic. It’s very real. And it could be a game-changer for those that need it most. Here’s why…
Series| Coded
How an exiled cryptographer is protecting journalists in his native Ethiopia
An exiled blogger teaches journalists in his native Ethiopia how to avoid capture
Using fashion to fool facial recognition
Facial recognition software is everywhere – and being used for surveillance. One fashion designer is coming up with looks that fool the software.
Can this robot stop violence at traffic stops?
A Duke robotics PhD student and his partner think they have a way ease tensions while deep-rooted differences are…
Meet the artist and activist who wants you to erase your DNA
Heather Dewey-Hagborg wants to make sure people understand the hidden secrets in the DNA they leave behind…
Politics on social media is a good thing
Tired of all the political posts in your feed? Give us 2 minutes to make the case that it’s actually kind of beautiful…
The app that sniffs out censorship 
Created by the Tor Project, the app gives internet users a new way to monitor and report online censorship around…
An app for global trade
Flexport thinks bringing trade into the 21st century could improve lives around the globe.
This week in ideas: Using drones for medicine, fighting Zika, re-imagining passwords
Reimagining how we get medicine to people, using genetically modified mosquitoes to fight Zika, and selfies as…
How to send mail to a person with no address
Millions of people have no address. They can’t get mail, they can’t vote, they can’t get aid, and they don’t have…
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