The hidden crisis of environmental racism – and the fight against it

Those on the frontlines of environmental degradation have the best solutions. This is their fight.
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In partnership with McNulty Foundation

The faces of climate change are those in communities already struggling with every kind of inequality. It’s time for this to change.

Every year, 3 million people of color are displaced by climate disasters, and 100,000 die from air pollution. Climate change impacts us all, but it hits hardest where racism, poverty, and pollution intersect. Historically disinvested communities bear the brunt of environmental degradation, highlighting the absolute need for community-based solutions to fight climate injustice.

The Solutions Project amplifies the voices at the frontlines of this crisis who also have the best solutions. Through supporting a movement of 300+ organizations, The Solutions Project is advancing renewable energy to clean water, regenerative agriculture and policy advocacy, and they aren’t stopping until widespread change has been made.

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