Why does everything look the same? The key to a new type of building

Should we be building our cities like we build our iPhones? This new type of building could help us build more efficiently and tackle the housing crisis.
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In partnership with Arena Hall

Designing buildings should be much easier given today’s technological advancements. But the way we build cities hasn’t changed much in the past 100 years. 

What innovations and efficiencies would we uncover if we tried building our homes with the same tech we build our iPhones?

On this episode of In the Arena, host Evan Baehr sits down with Andrew Staniforth, who’s leading a team of designers, engineers, and architects to rethink how we build.

We made this video series, In The Arena, in partnership with Arena Hall, a community that explores ideas, tells stories, and funds projects–all to advance American ideals.

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