
Why happiness is not the best indicator of well-being
Achieving values and pursuing growth is the real secret to a fulfilled life.
Plant sensors could act as an early warning system for farmers
Using sensors made from carbon nanotubes, researchers discovered signals that help plants respond to stresses like heat, light, or attack.
Finding a new drug in one-third the time and one-thousandth the cost
Living drugs may be the key to beating genetic disease
How redesigning labs can demystify genetic science
Growing food with seawater
A skin graft cures cocaine cravings (in mice)
Personal genetics might solve the opioid crisis – and the pain crisis
What's the deal with the giant mosquitoes after hurricanes?
Meet the 380 trillion viruses inside your body
A new stem cell treatment can heal burns, bedsores, and diabetic ulcers
Can science make people live healthier for longer?