Robots & AI

LLMs are a dead end to AGI, says François Chollet
AI researcher François Chollet thought we needed a better way to measure progress on the path to AGI — so he made one.
“Model collapse” threatens to kill progress on generative AIs
Generative AIs start churning out nonsense when trained on synthetic data — a problem that could put a ceiling on their ability to improve.
The AI chip startup that could take down Nvidia
A new kind of AI chip developed by a team of Harvard dropouts could shift the ground beneath our massive AI economy.
Cruise robotaxi service is quickly expanding
AI could help cancer patients avoid a deadly recurrence
AI-discovered drug for ALS enters human trials in just four years
Deepfake audio has a tell – researchers use fluid dynamics to spot artificial imposter voices
Shutterstock will sell AI images — and compensate artists 
How to prevent mass extinction in the ocean using AI, robots, and 3D printers 
Farming robot kills 200,000 weeds per hour with lasers 
AI is able to spot diseases before symptoms appear
Inventions that are fighting the rise of facial recognition technology