Robots & AI

LLMs are a dead end to AGI, says François Chollet
AI researcher François Chollet thought we needed a better way to measure progress on the path to AGI — so he made one.
“Model collapse” threatens to kill progress on generative AIs
Generative AIs start churning out nonsense when trained on synthetic data — a problem that could put a ceiling on their ability to improve.
The AI chip startup that could take down Nvidia
A new kind of AI chip developed by a team of Harvard dropouts could shift the ground beneath our massive AI economy.
Why artists shouldn’t fear AI
How AI is changing music forever
How to stop runaway AI
These “AI Artists” don’t want to ape existing art — they want to create something new entirely
Is the disruption caused by AI art actually new, or does it just feel new?
“Blind” robot hand can operate solely by touch
Networks of silver nanowires seem to learn and remember, much like our brains
“Relationships 5.0”: Are people going to start dating AI?
Massive autonomous robot is 3 to 5 times faster than a human construction crew
How “centaur AI” will radically reshape the future of healthcare