Field: Construction
The US needs another 4 million houses. Here’s how it could get them.
Restrictive zoning policies helped create America's housing shortage. Zoning reform could help end it.
A real apartment complex was built like a LEGO set
Renco, a system combining LEGO-like blocks and color-coded building plans, could be the future of construction.
Cleaning up one of the world’s most commonly used substances
C-Crete has created a more sustainable cement binding material that could significantly reduce the industry’s CO2 emissions.
The faster, cheaper, no-brainer way to replace dirty construction
Startups are using Sims-like software and IKEA-like manufacturing to solve the housing crisis with sustainable construction.
Researchers brew a stronger concrete using — coffee?
Researchers and engineers from RMIT University made concrete 30% stronger in the lab by incorporating aggregates made from coffee grounds.
New low-carbon cement is stronger than the regular stuff
A low-carbon cement developed by two MIT grads has officially exceeded industry standards for strength, durability, and more.
Massive autonomous robot is 3 to 5 times faster than a human construction crew
Built Robotics has unveiled an autonomous construction robot that speeds up the installation of utility-scale solar farms.
You can build a house out of this super-grass material
Plantd is turning to fast-growing grasses to decarbonize construction.
Two-story 3D-printed house is first of its kind in the US
The US’s first two-story 3D-printed house is being built in Houston, Texas, from a mix of concrete and wood.