Artificial Intelligence

An abstract digital artwork featuring geometric shapes and intricate patterns in shades of blue, orange, and grey, creating a visually complex and flowing composition.

Artificial Intelligence

Rapid advancements in AI today have the potential to change everything about everything. But will they? We’re exploring what will change, how, and whether we’re building digital gods or stochastic parrots.
Will AI supercharge hacking — if it hasn’t already?
The future of hacking is coming at us fast, and it isn’t clear yet whether AI will help attackers and defenders more.
No, LLMs still can’t reason like humans. This simple test reveals why.
Most AI models are incredible at taking tests but easily bamboozled by basic reasoning. “Simple Bench” shows us why.
The rise of the semi-autonomous car
A look back at the history of driving automation and the kinds of tech we can expect to see hitting the road in the coming years.
A tool, a rival, or a collaborator?
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A solid bright yellow-green color fills the entire image.
DeepMind’s AI could accelerate drug discovery
A new study suggests that AlphaFold, DeepMind’s AI tool for predicting protein structures, could be useful for drug discovery after all.
See the humanoid robots that will build new BMWs
General purpose robots developed by robotics startup Figure are going to be deployed at a BMW Manufacturing plant.
10 must-see technologies from CES 2024
From super-hyped AI assistants to apps that translate babies’ cries, CES 2024 has given us a glimpse at the tech of tomorrow, today.
Data poisoning: how artists are sabotaging AI to take revenge on image generators
Artists unhappy with their work being used by generative AI have are using “data poisoning” to mess with the algorithm.
Microsoft launches Copilot Pro for “power users”
Microsoft has launched Copilot Pro, a premium subscription service that makes its AI companion accessible to more people in more contexts.
6 tech trends at CES 2024 that are shaping the future
From AI to health and the metaverse, these tech trends promise to change our lives long after the excitement of the newest TV wears off.
Microsoft AI discovers 18 new battery materials in two weeks
Using AI and cloud computing, Microsoft was able to quickly identify 18 promising battery materials for the Department of Energy.
AI and the future of work in 2024
Future jobs will rebalance technology with humanity, and lifelong learning to continually upgrade must replace outdated ideas of static careers.
Using AI, MIT researchers identify a new class of antibiotic candidates
Using a type of artificial intelligence, MIT researchers have discovered a class of compounds that can kill drug-resistant bacteria.
AI startup Rabbit’s R1 device sells out in 24 hours
Tech startup Rabbit has unveiled R1, an AI-powered consumer device designed to free you from app overload.
Cappella’s AI translates baby cries to help sleep-deprived parents
The startup Cappella has developed an app that translates baby cries and informs parents what is wrong alongside helpful suggestions.
Cyborg computer combining AI and human brain cells really works
A new biohybrid computer combining a “brain organoid” and a traditional AI was able to perform speech recognition.
AI robots are making burgers and fries at this new restaurant
The AI robots making burgers and fries at CaliExpress could help the restaurant industry address its persistent labor shortage.
Mercedes-Benz adds special blue lights when its self-driving cars are “on”
Mercedes-Benz has added turquoise lights to its self-driving vehicles to indicate when its autonomous driving system is engaged.
Vesuvius Challenge: Can AI decipher these mysterious ancient scrolls?
Herculaneum’s Villa de Papiri contains hundreds of ancient texts that were carbonized by Mt. Vesuvius. Now, they can only be deciphered by AI.
Watch amazing Meta AI translate language in near real-time
Meta has unveiled Seamless, a language translation AI that can quickly translate speech while preserving the original tone and emotion.
Google AI discovers 2.2 million new materials for a host of technologies
Google’s AI GNoME has predicted 2.2 million novel inorganic crystal structures. If synthesized in labs, they may pave the way for new technologies.
Deep neural networks show promise as models of human hearing
In the largest study yet of deep neural networks trained to perform auditory tasks, researchers found surprising similarities to human hearing.
AI chatbots are coming to your workplace but are not necessarily coming for your job
AI chatbots might not be coming for your job after all, but AI fluency, the skill to understand and work with AI, will soon be essential.
The AI behind ChatGPT is bringing this toy to life
Pop artist Grimes and Silicon Valley startup Curio have created an AI toy that can understand and talk to kids.
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