Artificial Intelligence

An abstract digital artwork featuring geometric shapes and intricate patterns in shades of blue, orange, and grey, creating a visually complex and flowing composition.

Artificial Intelligence

Rapid advancements in AI today have the potential to change everything about everything. But will they? We’re exploring what will change, how, and whether we’re building digital gods or stochastic parrots.
Will AI supercharge hacking — if it hasn’t already?
The future of hacking is coming at us fast, and it isn’t clear yet whether AI will help attackers and defenders more.
No, LLMs still can’t reason like humans. This simple test reveals why.
Most AI models are incredible at taking tests but easily bamboozled by basic reasoning. “Simple Bench” shows us why.
The rise of the semi-autonomous car
A look back at the history of driving automation and the kinds of tech we can expect to see hitting the road in the coming years.
A tool, a rival, or a collaborator?
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A solid bright yellow-green color fills the entire image.
AI creates realistic pictures from pure text
NVIDIA’s new AI can translate text into images.
AI can translate normal written text to code
Codex, from OpenAI, can turn normal, conversational commands into programming, taking text to code.
Startup breaks through “accent barrier” with real-time translator
Three Stanford students have launched Sanas, a startup developing the world’s first real-time speech accent translator.
Immersive technology will revolutionize our daily life
Extended reality technologies are quickly becoming better and cheaper, suggesting they may soon become part of daily life.
AI reveals that the Sahara actually has 1.8 billion trees and shrubs
AI analysis of satellite images sees trees and shrubs where human eyes can’t.
A decentralized web 3.0 could lead to more innovation and privacy controls 
When middlemen are removed, whole new business models and innovations can emerge.
It’s hard to give AI common sense, but we’re making progress
There’s still no telling whether machine-learned common sense is five years away, or 50.
DeepMind’s AI lights path to faster drug development
Alphabet has announced the launch of Isomorphic Labs, an AI-driven drug discovery company built on research from its DeepMind subsidiary.
Autonomous race cars compete for $1 million prize
Autonomous race cars sped around a world-famous track in pursuit of a $1 million prize during the Indy Autonomous Challenge.
Can digital twins solve our supply chain problems?
Supply chains around the world are feeling the strain of COVID-19. Are AI-powered, highly detailed “digital twins” the key to a smoother future?
Germany unveils first-of-its-kind autonomous train
A new system that turns a standard electric metro train into a more efficient, higher-capacity autonomous train has debuted in Germany.
Caltech’s walking robot can also fly and skateboard
Caltech’s new bipedal walking robot can fly to get around obstacles, and it’s steady enough on its feet to skateboard or slackline.
AI is helping cars spot potholes 
Researchers have developed an AI system that allows cars to spot potholes.
AI avatars bring deepfakes to the business world
A financial consulting firm has created AI avatars of its staff that can be used to quickly create deepfakes for presentations and more.
26-year-old builds $8,000 mind-controlled bionic arms
Bionic arms used to cost $80,000. Now, a young engineer has lowered the cost by over 90%.
DeepMind’s virtual playground suggests path to general AI
DeepMind’s virtual playground, XLand, could help create general AI by overcoming the problem of insufficient training data.
Bipedal robot completes 5K after learning to run
Agility Robotics’ Cassie just became the first bipedal robot to complete an outdoor 5K run, completing the jaunt on a single charge.
DeepMind releases massive protein structure database
DeepMind is releasing a massive database of protein structure predictions that includes all the molecules in the human proteome.
New AI “engines” can read and understand on multiple levels
Primer’s new AI tools are expert readers, capable of analyzing long bodies of text far faster — and more accurately — than humans can.
TV shows train AI to predict human behavior
Algorithms are learning to guess what you’ll do next by analyzing shows like “The Office.”
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