Artificial Intelligence

An abstract digital artwork featuring geometric shapes and intricate patterns in shades of blue, orange, and grey, creating a visually complex and flowing composition.

Artificial Intelligence

Rapid advancements in AI today have the potential to change everything about everything. But will they? We’re exploring what will change, how, and whether we’re building digital gods or stochastic parrots.
Will AI supercharge hacking — if it hasn’t already?
The future of hacking is coming at us fast, and it isn’t clear yet whether AI will help attackers and defenders more.
No, LLMs still can’t reason like humans. This simple test reveals why.
Most AI models are incredible at taking tests but easily bamboozled by basic reasoning. “Simple Bench” shows us why.
The rise of the semi-autonomous car
A look back at the history of driving automation and the kinds of tech we can expect to see hitting the road in the coming years.
A tool, a rival, or a collaborator?
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A solid bright yellow-green color fills the entire image.
How AI could learn from Aesop’s fables 
When USC researchers tried to teach an AI simple fables, they discovered that the process is a lot harder than it sounds.
On the road to autonomous cars, driver fatigue will be a problem
New research from Waymo points the way to overcoming driver fatigue in cars that are almost — but not quite — self-driving.
Stanford’s new microchip could put powerful AI on your devices 
A Stanford-led team has developed a new microchip that could let us run advanced AI programs directly on our devices.
A sepsis-catching AI has proven effective in hospitals
A new AI for spotting sepsis, which accounts for ⅓ of hospital deaths, was found to be effective in a large trial.
New algorithm aces university math course questions 
Researchers use machine learning to automatically solve, explain, and generate university-level math problems at a human level.
Free Lyft robotaxis are hitting Las Vegas 
Motional and Lyft are now offering robotaxi rides in Las Vegas.
Text-to-image AIs are changing art forever 
Text-to-image AIs that draw whatever you describe in text are making it easy for anyone to create unique art online.
The Singularity: When will we all become super-humans? 
Are we really only a moment away from “The Singularity,” a technological epoch that will usher in a new era in human evolution?
MIT’s new algorithm for self-driving cars is open-source 
MIT scientists unveil the first open-source simulation engine capable of constructing realistic environments for autonomous vehicles.
Why don’t surgeons train like fighter pilots? Now some do.
Using AI and analysis, Theator is helping surgeons improve how pilots and pro athletes do: by going to the tape.
This little robot is cleaning up beaches, one cigarette butt at a time 
Robot litter picker, the BeachBot, uses artificial intelligence to detect trash like cigarette butts and help clean up beaches.
Engineers build LEGO-like artificial intelligence chip 
Engineers have created an AI chip with alternating layers of sensing and processing elements that can communicate with each other.
A celebrated AI has learned a new trick: How to do chemistry
We had a challenging question for the AI AlphaFold – had its structural training set taught it some chemistry?
How artificial intelligence is boosting crop yield to feed the world 
The Gene Ranking Artificial Intelligence Network (GRAIN) identifies genes that act at a fundamental level in crop metabolism.
How to be a techno-optimist
Technology will not save the world, and it is inherently neither good nor bad. But, when tech is coupled to human virtue, good will prevail.
Dive into the world’s first underwater garden 
An underwater garden off the coast of Italy is introducing the world to a new type of sustainable agriculture.
Google has not created sentient AI — yet 
Google can make AI seem sentient, but the AI has no understanding of what it is saying. But humans are easily fooled by conversational AI.
Hyundai’s autonomous ship is the first to make a transoceanic journey 
Autonomous ships like the Prism Courage could make the seas safer, while also making shipping cleaner and more efficient.
Is our world ready for mind-controllable robotic body parts? 
Advanced neuroprosthetics are here, and they could hook our brains into the Internet of Things.
How facial recognition is identifying human trafficking victims 
The technology is enabling law enforcement to shine a light on the darkest corners of the open internet.
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