The experimental procedure that can reverse blindness
Doctors told Vanna she was permanently blind. But thanks to an experimental procedure, she can see.
Can tech giants get ahead of AI?
Companies gather to discuss impact of A.I. A possible neural lace breakthrough. And unmanned cargo ships. This is...
How do we scale bionic technology?
Right now, assistive bionic technology is really cool and really expensive. This is how it will get better and...
What to expect at the first Cyborg Olympics
The event will seek to answer one of the most interesting technology questions of the early 21st century: How close...
Could your brain regenerate like skin?
Brain regeneration used to be considered a medical fantasy. But research shows that fantasy could eventually become...
Meet the paralyzed man who can walk again
Robert is paralyzed from the chest down. But now a robotic exoskeleton is giving him what he calls "a second chance...
Will robots steal our jobs?
Could exoskeletons help us do our jobs? Should we actually be afraid of robots taking our jobs? These are the...
Assistive tech doesn't have to be high tech
The story of how 3D printing gave Ryan Hines a chance to regain his independence for $150. And how he's now...
Prosthetics enter a new age of beautiful form and incredible function
For centuries, prosthetics didn't change much at all, but the past 10 years has seen an incredible leap forward in...
The world's most advanced bionic arm
A fascinating interview with Michael P. McLoughlin, the chief engineer of research and exploratory development at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab.
Meet the man with the most advanced prosthetic arm in the world
Johnny Matheny has been working with doctors at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab to test a prosthetic arm that is...
A lay person's guide to biohacking
We're living in a golden age of people exploring high and low tech methods to optimize our bodies.
How to send mail to a person with no address
Millions of people have no address. They can’t get mail, they can't vote, they can’t get aid, and they don’t have...
How to rebuild a broken brain
The unbelievable story of the day Jordan Riley was declared brain dead and his journey of re-learning how to be human.
The 3D-printed helmet that can read your mind. Could it change the world?
OpenBCI has developed technology that allows you to control the world outside your body with your brain waves.
Meet the mom curing her daughter's incurable disease
Karen Aiach isn't a doctor and has never worked in medicine. But when doctors said her daughter wouldn't live past...
The fascinating story of how AIDS activism helped usher in a "Right to Try" laws
Should terminally ill patients be allowed to try experimental procedures? Hear the amazing, true story of the AIDS...
Is the miracle medicine of the future about to become the totally real medicine of the present?
Gene therapy uses a virus to replace missing or defective genes. It sounds counterintuitive, but it could be the...
Three women who changed the way we think about medicine
From newborn health to AIDS treatment to DNA research, these brilliant women paved the way for incredible advances...