
First-of-its-kind pig kidney transplant is a success
A woman with heart and kidney failure is now the second person in the world to undergo a gene-edited pig kidney transplant.
Milk could overcome one of the biggest hurdles to RNA therapies
RNA therapies typically break down if administered orally, but particles found in cows’ milk could provide perfect protection.
New study challenges long-held assumption about cancer
Genetic mutations may not be necessary for cancer to develop, challenging a long-held assumption about the disease.
How patients are using technology to kick-start a healthcare revolution
How much stress is too much? A psychiatrist explains
A protein found in human sweat may protect against Lyme disease
Pacemaker powered by light eliminates need for batteries and lets the heart to function more naturally
Pill to prevent Lyme disease kills ticks before they can infect you
Soaring insulin costs? Cows could help.
First person to get a gene-edited pig kidney is “recovering well” so far
AI-powered wearable “speaks” for people with vocal cord problems
FDA approves weight-loss drug Wegovy to treat heart problems
How frontotemporal dementia, the syndrome affecting Wendy Williams, changes the brain